Espansioni Battle Spirits

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    Mondo Emerso

    Elenco Espansioni: BATTLE SPIRITS - da BS01 a BS17 JAP

    Questo elenco serve ad indicare quante e quali carte mancano per completare una determinata serie.
    Battle Spirit il TCG più giocato del Giappone comprende 17 SET più 8 Structure Deck, 3 Serie Speciali e Promo.

    In aggiornamento


    Call of the Core

    Rise of the Angel

    Scars of Battle

    Ascension of Dragon

    Down of the Ancients

    Awakening of the Heavens [SERIE 1]

    The Storms of War [SERIE 2]

    Descent of the Astral Dragons Eight [SERIE 3]

    Supernova Supremacy futura [SERIE 4]

    Scorching Sun
    Legend of Dragon Heroes

    Roar of the Moon

    Da verificare

    Da verificare

    Da verificare

    Da verificare

    Da verificare


    Structure Deck 01:
    SD01 - Saetta Fiammante & Diamante Puro [Disponibile]
    Data: Agosto 2011

    Structure Deck 02:
    SD02 - Roaring Heaven's Door

    Structure Deck 03:
    SD03 - 2° serie BRAVE

    Structure Deck 04:
    SD04 - Viola / Verde
    Structure Deck 05:
    SD05 - Bianco

    Structure Deck 06:
    SD06 - 3° serie BURST

    Structure Deck 07:
    SD07 - Rosso / Viola & Verde / Bianco

    Structure Deck 08:
    SD08 - Rosso / Viola

    Torna all'Elenco


    P001 The Flame WingDragon Ma-Dwo
    P002 The Commander Dragno
    P003 SealedBeast Marco
    P004 The EdgeGeneral Hell-Blade
    P005 Gul-Karura
    P006 The ArmoredDragon Maximillion
    P007 The Angelia Dominia
    P008 Mimizukku
    P009 Proto-Golem
    P010 Kerorodragon
    P011 The HeadlessKnight Durahan
    P012 The TridentalSpear Hugo [Disponibile]
    P013 Volgenodragon [Disponibile]
    P014 Mantistar [Disponibile]
    P015 Metalangler [Disponibile]
    P016 The SteelDragon Niflheimr [Disponibile]
    P017 The LanceDragon Lon-Gineus [Disponibile]
    P018 The ForestScout Butterflar
    P019 The AntleredBeast Megalo-Els
    P020 The GreatDragonEmperor Siegmund
    P021 The DragonKnight Wagner
    P022 The GiantStriker Justin
    P023 The RollingThunderDragon Lind-Grom
    P024 Fuwaneko
    P025 Mahavasuki [Disponibile]
    P026 The ShieldDragon Aegi-Onis
    P027 The GiantPrince Alexander IV
    P028 The SilverBrave Shield-Dragon
    P029 Arch-Arms
    P030 The HellWeel Buer
    P031 The FlyingBeerle Ittoukabuto
    P032 The SuperDragonEnperor UltimateDragon
    P033 The StationeryRobot Stationer
    P034 Centrodriller
    P035 MoonlightMusha Heike-Boruta
    P036 The MoonllghtArtifactDragon Crescenthor
    P037 The MoonlightFairy Gekka
    P038 The SunWyVern FlareDragoon
    P039 The SunCount Rubicante
    P040 The GlanSoldier Solar-Golem
    P041 Victory-White-Dragon
    P042 Shieldybug
    P043 Revol-Arms
    P044 The StarArmoredDragon Sieg-Brave
    P045 The ClownPrincess BlackSter
    P046 The Rowdy Tyranno-Bucky
    P047 The HornDragon Beet-Dragon
    P048 Victory Burst
    P049 Berserker-Dragon
    P050 Kowdeen
    P051 The Little Samurai Issun Antman
    P052 The WhiteFlameFighter Iron-Rackle
    P053 The SweeperFairy Multise
    P054 Daioh-Hydra
    P055 Purefujisan

    Torna all'Elenco


    PX01 The LeoDragon Lion-Howl
    PX02 The ExtremeShield Gran-Tortoise
    PX03 The BeastSpear Giga-Galrave
    PX04 The EvilPrince El-Blood
    PX05 The WingBeast Griffi-Oar
    PX06 The AbyssalLord Da-Gon
    PX07 The DinoDeity Gundinons
    PX08 The ArmoredBushin Girafa-Rando
    PX09 The RaptorDeity Galoud
    PX10 The MagicalPrincessDeity Geraldy
    PX11 The Heaven`sDeity Glorious-Solute
    PX12 The LegendaryDragon Ancientwurm
    PX13 The NetherworldDeity Obsidion

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 28/5/2012, 23:18
  2.     +1   -1


    Mondo Emerso


    BS01 JAP
    Contiene 149 carte differenti: 93 Communi, 27 Non-Comuni, 20 Rare, 9 Rara Master, 4 Rare X

    Rara X: (4)

    BS01-X01 The DragonEmperor Siegfried [SERIE 1]
    BS01-X02 The SevenShogun Desperado
    BS01-X03 The Duke Kingtaurus [SERIE 2]
    BS01-X04 The ImpregnableFortress Odin

    Rara Master: (9)

    BS01-021 The FlameDragon Ma-Gwo
    BS01-023 The Fire LithoGraphica Phoenixious
    BS01-025 The DragonicFortress Giga [SERIE 1]
    BS01-046 The PhantomDragon Sheyron [SERIE 1]
    BS01-049 The PhantomKnight Nightrider
    BS01-072 Gowsilvia
    BS01-073 The GaudyFeather Vulpelture
    BS01-093 The ShieldSpirit Dis [SERIE 2]
    BS01-095 The ArmoredBeast Bear-Gelmir

    Rare: (20)

    BS01-014 The Shaman Dragno
    BS01-022 The Sickle Fool-Joker
    BS01-024 The CrystalDragon Diamat
    BS01-040 Darkwitch [SERIE 1]
    BS01-043 Dracullous
    BS01-047 The Witch Naja
    BS01-061 Apewhip
    BS01-062 Hungrytree
    BS01-071 The Charger Blanboar [SERIE 2]
    BS01-094 Gran-Dolbalkan
    BS01-096 The AutoEmpress Sol [SERIE 2]
    BS01-097 The SteelWyvern Valkyrious
    BS01-104 The Historic Battlefield of the Cursed
    BS01-106 The Hermit Wise Tree
    BS01-114 Buster Spear
    BS01-122 Flame Tempest
    BS01-128 Chaos Draw
    BS01-140 Binding Woods
    BS01-141 Invisible Cloak
    BS01-143 Divine Chain

    Non-Comuni: (27)

    BS01-011 Dragsaurus [SERIE 1]
    BS01-016 Skelton-Jaw
    BS01-020 The BladeDragon Steelanodon
    BS01-034 Bi-Python
    BS01-044 The PhantomBull Smowg
    BS01-048 The PrincessVampire Vampiles
    BS01-066 Stagrove
    BS01-067 Swallowivy
    BS01-068 The BlastTiger Tigald
    BS01-085 Elephantite
    BS01-087 Metaldy-Bug
    BS01-090 Hell-Blindi [SERIE 1]
    BS01-091 The Artifact Laguna
    BS01-098 The Burning Battlefield [SERIE 2]
    BS01-099 The Canyon Where Sage lives [SERIE 1]
    BS01-103 The Swamp of Drain Life
    BS01-105 The Shackles of Doom
    BS01-107 The Fruit of Life [SERIE 2]
    BS01-108 The Anthill [SERIE 2]
    BS01-110 The Timeless Ice Field
    BS01-112 The Castle of Eternal Snow [SERIE 2]
    BS01-120 Buster Phalanx [SERIE 1]
    BS01-124 Evil Aura
    BS01-126 Shadow Elixir
    BS01-136 Gather Forces
    BS01-138 Hand Reverse [SERIE 1]
    BS01-144 Silent Wall [SERIE 1]
    Comuni: (93)

    BS01-001 Goradon [SERIE 1]
    BS01-002 Rokceratops [SERIE 1]
    BS01-003 Teranosaber
    BS01-004 The Scout Dragno
    BS01-005 Eyeburn
    BS01-006 Merat
    BS01-007 Hummerdrake
    BS01-008 Metalburn
    BS01-009 Volc-Baboon
    BS01-010 Chakrambat
    BS01-012 Tryswordon
    BS01-013 Taurusknight
    BS01-015 Spinoaxe
    BS01-017 Lanceraptor
    BS01-018 Lizardman
    BS01-019 Jurassickle
    BS01-025 Foger
    BS01-027 Will-Orb
    BS01-028 Skulldevil [SERIE 1]
    BS01-029 Rib-Reaper
    BS01-030 Grip-Hands
    BS01-031 Death-Haides
    BS01-032 Gawrm
    BS01-033 Disaster
    BS01-035 Bone-Gradiator
    BS01-036 Sha-Zoo [SERIE 2]
    BS01-037 Illusiona
    BS01-038 Skel-Viper [SERIE 2]
    BS01-039 The Mysteryman Dionaeman
    BS01-041 Cobraiga
    BS01-042 Mistweasel
    BS01-045 The Ripper Headiless
    BS01-050 Beatbeetle [SERIE 1]
    BS01-051 Flyingmirage
    BS01-052 Pelileaf
    BS01-053 Leavwolf
    BS01-054 Shockeater
    BS01-055 Emeant
    BS01-056 Matchra
    BS01-057 Gularva
    BS01-058 Hercules-Geo
    BS01-059 Shidafukurou
    BS01-060 Eagrass
    BS01-063 Emeraldscissor [SERIE 2]
    BS01-064 Ziga-Wasp
    BS01-065 Killikabut
    BS01-069 The AirMaster Aquilers
    BS01-070 The MeteoriteArmor Monoqueiroz
    BS01-074 Berserker-Gun
    BS01-075 Icemaiden
    BS01-076 Ray-Bullet
    BS01-077 Baby-Loki
    BS01-078 The AutoLady Mani
    BS01-079 Rainbowpapillion
    BS01-080 Fenrircannon
    BS01-081 The SilverScale Nithhoggr
    BS01-082 Ur-Dine
    BS01-083 Rabicrysta
    BS01-084 Gatlingstand [SERIE 2]
    BS01-086 Queen-Valkyrie
    BS01-088 Towermittcrab
    BS01-089 Dualcannon-Bell
    BS01-092 The CarrierWhale Mobileflow
    BS01-100 The Ruby Sun
    BS01-101 The Ancient Dragon Territory
    BS01-102 The Lost of Old Castle
    BS01-109 The Hill of Violent Wind
    BS01-111 The Diamond Moon
    BS01-113 The Invaded Silver Snow
    BS01-115 Awaken
    BS01-116 Offensive Aura
    BS01-117 Double Draw [SERIE 2]
    BS01-125 Deadly Balance [SERIE 2]
    BS01-127 Killer Telescope [SERIE 2]
    BS01-129 Poison Shoot
    BS01-130 Changing Cores
    BS01-131 Dark Coffin
    BS01-132 Storm Draw
    BS01-133 Wild Power
    BS01-134 Binding Thorn [SERIE 1]
    BS01-135 Power Aura
    BS01-137 Relation Soul
    BS01-139 Feather Barrier
    BS01-142 Pure Elixir [SERIE 1]
    BS01-145 Defensive Aura
    BS01-146 Dream Ribbon [SERIE 1]
    BS01-147 Dream Chest [SERIE 2]
    BS01-148 Leak Drive
    BS01-149 Attack Shift

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 10/2/2012, 21:38
  3.     +1   -1


    Mondo Emerso


    BS02 JAP
    Contiene 111 carte differenti: 73 Communi, 17 Non-Comuni, 14 Rare, 7 Rara Master, 4 Rare X

    Rara X: (4)
    BS02-X05 The TwinRowdy Diranos
    BS02-X06 The SevenShogun Destlord
    BS02-X07 The Gigantic Thor
    BS02-X08 The ArcAngelia Mikafar

    Rara Master: (7)
    BS02-012 The Conqueror Cendragos
    BS02-024 The DarkGeneral Bloody-Caesar
    BS02-036 The Great Kaiseleon
    BS02-045 The ShieldDragon Fevnir
    BS02-067 The Angelia Virchu
    BS02-072 Trickster [SERIE 1]
    BS02-075 The GreatAngelia Principeari

    Rare: (14)
    BS02-010 The LavaDragon Plesios
    BS02-022 The Marquis Cocytus
    BS02-035 The Darkfeather Yatagross
    BS02-048 The DragonTank Earthguard
    BS02-063 The HellDog Cerru-Berus
    BS02-065 The BlossomChild Lip
    BS02-071 The PreciousBeast Carbulc
    BS02-085 The Topaz Meteor
    BS02-087 The Sealed Spellbook
    BS02-091 Seventh Crimson
    BS02-093 Mind Control
    BS02-099 Life Chain
    BS02-103 Reload Cores [SERIE 1]
    BS02-108 Magic Book [SERIE 1]

    Non-Comuni: (17)
    BS02-002 The Acrobat Juggline [SERIE 1]
    BS02-020 Lady-Frankelly
    BS02-030 The Soldier Antman
    BS02-047 The AutoPriest Freyr
    BS02-052 Chagamaru
    BS02-057 The FairyQueen Ti-Tanya
    BS02-070 Arcanaprince-Obero
    BS02-077 The Plateau of Duel [SERIE 2]
    BS02-078 The Evil Coffin
    BS02-081 The Budding Plain
    BS02-083 The Corridor of Mirrors
    BS02-090 Mind Flare
    BS02-094 Bloody Rain
    BS02-096 Divine Wind
    BS02-102 White Potion [SERIE 2]
    BS02-111 Spirit Illusion
    Comuni: (73)
    BS02-001 Lizardedge [SERIE 1]
    BS02-003 Dinohound
    BS02-004 Orcaria
    BS02-005 The Charger Dragno
    BS02-006 Pteratomahawk
    BS02-007 The RiseDragon Balmung
    BS02-008 Fisdragoon
    BS02-009 The DragonBuster Archeorni
    BS02-011 Zwei-Howle
    BS02-013 Bat-Bat
    BS02-014 Phantasma
    BS02-015 Humpdump
    BS02-016 Slimy
    BS02-017 Mummella
    BS02-018 Top Supra
    BS02-019 Bottom Desuper
    BS02-021 The SkullKnight Zo-Goin
    BS02-023 The TwinSnake Hydram
    BS02-025 Sheeple
    BS02-026 MachG [SERIE 1]
    BS02-027 Caprihorn
    BS02-028 Xscissors
    BS02-029 Bathopper [SERIE 2]
    BS02-031 Scorpede
    BS02-032 Dachono
    BS02-033 The CavalryBeast Sleiphorse
    BS02-034 The OldSage Trenton
    BS02-037 Sphereroid
    BS02-038 The Buckler Langlies
    BS02-039 The Sacred Mjolnir
    BS02-040 Lobsterk
    BS02-041 Liorider
    BS02-042 Skuldia
    BS02-043 Arma-Dillo
    BS02-044 The CannonArtifact Megarock
    BS02-046 Wingull
    BS02-049 Piyon
    BS02-050 Koristal
    BS02-051 Chunpopo
    BS02-053 The Fairy Tanya [SERIE 1]
    BS02-054 Pom
    BS02-055 Chauw
    BS02-056 Arcanabeast-Ken
    BS02-058 Pentan [SERIE 2]
    BS02-059 Rom
    BS02-060 The Clown Clan
    BS02-061 The Angelia Angu
    BS02-062 Porkne
    BS02-064 The Melodybird Crewc
    BS02-066 Arcanadoll-Pan
    BS02-068 The WhiteTiger Huck
    BS02-069 The BlackTiger Kuron
    BS02-074 The BalloonMan Barball
    BS02-076 The Ancient Fault
    BS02-079 The Forest of Amethyst
    BS02-080 The Limestone Cave of Emerald
    BS02-082 The Artifact Plant
    BS02-084 The Blessed Sanctuary [SERIE 2]
    BS02-086 The Spiral Tower
    BS02-088 Cross Fire
    BS02-089 Spirit Link
    BS02-092 Energy Drain
    BS02-095 Sacrifice
    BS02-097 Nature Force [SERIE 2]
    BS02-098 Cast Off
    BS02-100 Invincible Shield
    BS02-101 Reflection Armor
    BS02-104 Additional Color
    BS02-105 Great Wall
    BS02-106 Royal Potion [SERIE 2]
    BS02-107 Time Reap
    BS02-109 Angel Voice
    BS02-110 Heavy Gate

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 10/2/2012, 21:39
  4.     +1   -1


    Mondo Emerso


    BS03 JAP
    Contiene 153 carte differenti: 93 Communi, 27 Non-Comuni, 20 Rare, 9 Rara Master, 4 Rare X

    Rara X: (4)
    BS03-X09 The SavageKnight Hercules
    BS03-X10 The IceBeast Mam-Morl [SERIE 2]
    BS03-X11 The ArcAngelia Valiero
    BS03-X12 The GiantHero Titus [SERIE 1]

    Rara Master: (9)
    BS03-011 The DinoCavalry Diridalus [SERIE 1]
    BS03-024 The VampireKnight Nosferat
    BS03-036 The GodBird Peagod
    BS03-048 The ArmoredSnake Mithgarth
    BS03-066 The Angelia Archre
    BS03-070 The GreatAngelia Exsia
    BS03-096 The GiantKing Randolph [SERIE 1]
    BS03-098 The BattleDragon Wyvern
    BS03-100 The WeaponCollector Godfrey [SERIE 2]

    Rare: (20)
    BS03-010 The BlackDragon Vritra
    BS03-012 The GrandBishop Levia
    BS03-022 The DarkReefDiva Seiren
    BS03-035 The GoldenFlower Zonne-Bloem
    BS03-044 The MetalMan Surtr
    BS03-045 The SilverFox Hati
    BS03-064 The RoseLady Barossa
    BS03-065 The Angelia Curio
    BS03-095 The Conjurer Oliver [SERIE 2]
    BS03-097 The Birdman Hawkeye
    BS03-101 Volcano-Golem
    BS03-113 The Absorption Triumphal Arch
    BS03-116 The Loss of Heroes
    BS03-118 Fourth Draw
    BS03-121 Double Hearts
    BS03-130 Mobius Loop [SERIE 1]
    BS03-133 High Elixir [SERIE 1]
    BS03-138 Teleport Change
    BS03-139 Same Tired [SERIE 1]
    BS03-147 Golem Craft

    Non-Comuni: (27)
    BS03-007 Flame-Elk
    BS03-019 The EvilTactician Hellmia
    BS03-023 The ArtificialCreature No.44
    BS03-027 Fullmingo
    BS03-047 The CrystalGoddess Freyr [SERIE 1]
    BS03-053 The HundredFaces Flatface
    BS03-059 Arcanabeast-Paira
    BS03-067 Arcanaprincess-Un
    BS03-069 The Rockhopper Pentan
    BS03-084 The GiantCat Blynx
    BS03-086 The Repairer Baran-Baran
    BS03-090 The DragonSlayBlade Guy
    BS03-092 The GroundSupporter Francis
    BS03-094 The Weaponsmith Bagin
    BS03-102 The Outlaw Wasteland
    BS03-104 The Crossroads of Destiny [SERIE 1]
    BS03-106 The Sea of Trees in Dark Green
    BS03-108 The High Sky Covered by Metal
    BS03-111 The Child's Room in Midnight
    BS03-114 The Rampart of Sapphire [SERIE 1]
    BS03-125 Weakness [SERIE 1]
    BS03-126 Potion Berry
    BS03-137 Four Cards
    BS03-140 Shining Magic [SERIE 1]
    BS03-146 Nexus Register
    BS03-148 Construction
    BS03-149 Delta Crash
    Comuni: (93)
    BS03-001 The FireSpirit Salamandert
    BS03-002 Edgehog
    BS03-003 The Assassin Dragno
    BS03-004 Brontrident
    BS03-005 Enchu
    BS03-006 Runkaphorhynchus
    BS03-008 The BladeDragon Stegorasaurus
    BS03-009 The FireBlower Melt
    BS03-013 Hellscorpio
    BS03-014 Skull-Fish
    BS03-015 The EvilGrass Mindragora
    BS03-016 The InvisibleMan Eclear
    BS03-017 The GhostChaptain SilverShark
    BS03-018 Darkwraith
    BS03-020 Mega-Humpdump
    BS03-021 The Count Wyhl
    BS03-025 Stagscissor
    BS03-026 The WoodenSpirit Dryadena
    BS03-028 Mogrunner
    BS03-029 Machfly
    BS03-030 The BeastMaster Rainer Bros.
    BS03-031 The BlackWind Panther
    BS03-033 The Beatpriest
    BS03-034 The Gamecock Bishamon

    BS03-071 The BattleBeast Bulltop [SERIE 2]
    BS03-072 The Pikeman Jeffrey
    BS03-073 Stone-Statue
    BS03-074 The BattleBeast Doben

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 13/3/2012, 17:36
  5.     +1   -1


    Mondo Emerso


    BS04 JAP
    Contiene 118 carte differenti: 72 Communi, 18 Non-Comuni, 16 Rare, 8 Rara Master, 4 Rare X

    Rara X: (4)
    BS04-X13 The DarkDragonEmperor Siegfried [SERIE 2]
    BS04-X14 The SevenShogun Pandemium [SERIE 2]
    BS04-X15 The Emperor Kaiseratlas
    BS04-X16 The MobileFortress Castle-Golem

    Rara Master: (8)
    BS04-008 The AncientDragon Ba-Gaw
    BS04-011 The Tyrant Fuhjaus
    BS04-022 The KingSnake Quetzalcoatl
    BS04-033 The CrustaceanFighter Longhorn
    BS04-043 The Valkyrie-Hildr [SERIE 1]
    BS04-045 The IceGoddess Frigg
    BS04-057 The GreatAngelia Seraphy
    BS04-075 The LegendaryGiant Jude

    Rare: (16)

    Non-Comuni: (18)
    Comuni: (72)
    BS04-001 Kunanomi

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 10/2/2012, 21:40
  6.     +1   -1


    Mondo Emerso


    BS05 JAP
    Contiene 88 carte differenti: 48 Communi, 18 Non-Comuni, 12 Rare, 6 Rara Master, 4 Rare X

    Rara X: (4)
    BS05-X17 The PhantomLord Rean
    BS05-X18 The HugeBeastLord Behedoth
    BS05-X19 The SacredEmperor Siegfrieden
    BS05-X20 The GreatArmoredLord Deathtaurus

    Rara Master: (6)
    BS05-009 The Dictator Volcanos
    BS05-016 The QueenVampire Carmilla
    BS05-025 The GodTree Dionaeus
    BS05-036 The Ice Witch Hel
    BS05-042 The GreatAngelia Sophia [SERIE 1]
    BS05-051 The GlantKinght Aldous

    Rare: (12)

    Non-Comuni: (18)
    Comuni: (48)
    BS05-001 The BombSoldier Dragno [SERIE 2]

    Torna all'Elenco

    Edited by Slyferd - 10/2/2012, 21:41
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